A Very Small Tea Room

The Very Small Tea Room Indeed!

I have taken a few photos of the summer house bargain picked up in a local charity shop for £7.50.  I was at a loss for a while as to what to turn it in to.  A summer house seemed too obvious, though a Victorian styled summer house kind of appealed to me.  I toyed with a florist as I really fancy having a space full of plants and flowers.  Then I decided it would be a very petite tea room loosely Victorian in style, with gifts for sale inside and plants and flowers on sale outside.  This little business venture will sit aside the Farmhouse once it is finished, though this does mean removing a garden I have made at the side of the house.

Front View

It is very small as you can see but this makes it more of a challenge, I am also endeavouring to spend as little as I can on it.
Doors Open
As you see REALLY limited space ha ha! The wallpaper and flooring was downloaded from the web as too the door which I added a frame to made from coffee stirrers, always an endless supply of coffee stirrers in my house, not that I drink a lot of coffee in cafes at all.
Side View
The real challenge is tables and seating.  I have come up with the idea of newel posts as supports topped with a small table top, these can sit comfortably either side of the main doors.
Makeshift Table
It's just big enough to get get a cake platter and cup on!  I need to get smallish chairs now, four, how on earth will they squeeze in!

More Tea Room...

Well after a successful trip last Saturday to Heritage Dolls House I managed to bag four white wrought iron chairs for the tea room.  As you can see from the pictures space is limited and I was a little worried that there just wouldn't be enough floor area to accommodate so many seats.  I tried to make the tables as feasibly small as possible to maximize on the floor space left and I was quite pleased with the chairs I obtained.  I have seen smaller wrought iron seating but these aren't overly large and seem to work.

Idea of seating arrangement

There isn't a great deal of room to move but it gives the general impression of a tea room with just enough space for the waitress to squeeze round.  All the necessary kitchen facilities are through the door conveniently never to be seen (as it's a fake door!).  It is even harder to photograph inside!  The next thing to be done is a shelf along the back wall for the display of saleable items.


Though I haven't done anything new to the tea room other than buy some wood for a shelf to run along the back wall and have two cherub urns kindly donated I have been working on a fake door for the inside of the farmhouse lounge to give the illusion of a way in and out.  This door isn't in place as yet but I can soon position the tearoom to its final spot rather than living on my kitchen shelf!!  There is a garden already in place at the side of the farmhouse which will sadly enough have to be removed but the addition of the tea room will make up for this, I even have an outside table complete with parasol waiting in the kitchen cupboard (As you can see mini's really have taken oven the full size house!).

The garden to be removed but I'm sure I'll utilise everything!


I have included pictures of the Tearoom I am currently working on. It has come quite a way since I last pictured it.  It was a case of I had collected everything I more or less needed for it and once the internal decor had been completed I became carried away and filled it up with goodies! There is still a little I need to do, menus for the table, roses for the trellis which I will trail along the roof (no tearoom is complete without roses round the door right!) and I need to get the garden table outside and some proper lighting in it; but more or less it's finished.

Sorry the pictures aren't brilliant, as per usual the batteries gave up the ghost in my camera! I think though you can see the Tearoom is perfectly equipped for a most enjoyable cup of Earl Grey and a sticky bun! There is even a choice of literature should you wish to while away an sunny afternoon.


Following on from the last time I had stated that I was still to arrange some roses up the trellis and over the roof. Having brought some flowers from Miniatura back in Spring they had sat in the cupboard (as often is the case) waiting for me to actually do something with them. Well I have finally arranged them, silly really, it only took a few miutes and I should have done this small task ages ago but you know how it is....everything gets in the way! I believe that all Miniaturists should be given by law a day off every week to undertake their projects!!!

And so here they are.....


I quite like them considering they only cost about a pound sterling

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