Farmhouse Cottage

To date I have completed my first project which was roughly based on a farmhouse cottage, this was my introduction to the hobby and I am sure as all mainaturists do, we get better with time. So, as so many miniaturist aren't!, I am not happy with its final look. It is now undergoing a revamp, thus all the rooms are not pictured below.

I also have roughly completed a dollshouse shop, well all mini homes should have a dollshouse too, not just us big people! And now I have begun a charity shop bargain at £25.00, which I am turning into a holiday cottage trying to capture that slightly dated 70's feel alot of rental properties have in the country.

Another bargain picked up in a charity shop was a small summer house for £7.50 which is to be turned into a tiny but quaint tearoom which will sit aside the farmhouse. Combine this with striking out into selling a few wares, few being the word - back to that so little time again; things progress gradually.


This is roughly based in a farmhouse style, as you can see the front is being pebbled, a very cheap option - a bag of fish gravel brought for £1.29 and cement, but what can I say apart from slow and messy!

The kitchen is somewhat crowded and very full as surely all busy kitchens are with so many visitors, much baking and plenty of cups of tea!

Close up of sink

Originally the hallway had a chest against the back wall but I envisaged dark wood throughout the house, a victorian floor and a settle with lots of comfy cushions. Most of the cushions, rugs and pictures you can see in the pictures are hand cross stitched by myself on either 22, 32 or 36 count. How people stitch on silk I will never know and are very gifted!

I gave the bathroom the addition of tongue and groove on the walls, this is simply lolly sticks! I was taken by the corner fireplace too as I imagined cosy bath times on dark winter nights, if only we lived in our creations. I am also stitching a rug for this room but this is slow progress.

The only room I am not touching is the attic space as I feel I captured exactly what I saw in my head. An ecclectic collection of odds and ends, the odd antique handed down. An area for work on the computer and a dollshouse project in progress. There is even an area to relax on an old sofa and watch some tv if you're too lazy to go back downstairs!

The lounge, bedroom and landing is still to be revamped so staying watching as I will update photos as I finish the rooms.


The revamp is coming along, a bit slower than I would like but then again this is what happens when you are completing five different projects all at the same time!  I have managed to finish the lounge, I am far happier with the new look as I feel it reflecs a slightly more modern feel whilst still retaining its cosy charm.  I am currently stitching a rug for in front of the sofa on 32 count and going blind whilst stitching, if you see me and I appear to be a little cross eyed you know why.