The Dolls House Shop

I try not to say that very often when I'm drunk!! One of my other projects is a shop that sells dolls houses for dolls houses. It is always amusing when fellow miniaturists ask me what I have done and I say a dolls house shop. Their natural reaction is to ask what sort of shop. When I reply a dolls house shop they ask again, to which I reply the same. Eventually they say "yes of course it's a dolls house shop but what have you turned it in to", my answer "a shop that sells dolls houses" then the penny drops!

I have taken just the front views for now so you can get an idea of how it looks, it has been decorated externally with brick texture and paint. I plan on evetually pebble dashing the side.

Overall front, there are a total of six rooms inside

Close up of left window and door, you can just make out the hanging shop sign

Close up of right window, a better view of houses for sale!

I will take pictures inside the shop another time so that you can get a better view of how the layout actually is, I really need to fix another light in there and relight one of the little houses that has gone out...but that's probably another small task that will wait far too long!

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